This is not the post I spend time researching earlier today but life got in the way of that one so it was moved to the back burner. Maybe it was the black cat that crossed the road in front of me this morning on my way home from the gym that caused the day to go awry? Before I get started with the odd happenings of this afternoon I need to explain that I have received two robo- calls from Walgreens in the last couple of days saying I had a prescription ready. I studiously ignored the calls as I use the Fred Meyer pharmacy. After I went for a walk I decided I had time to pickup my pills from Freddy's so I drove out and waited in line for my turn. When I was at the head of the line I gave my information and was told I didn't have anything there,nor had anything been called in. They said they would call the doctor to get an okay. I was a little panicky as I'm down to one pill and my blood pressure runs amok without the drugs,but I decided there was nothing more I could do. I was about to drive by Walgreens when I decided I would go tell them they were calling the wrong number,but wait! They had my prescription! From now on I guess it will be a mental test to see if I can find where they have sent my pills to. Did I mention when I finally got back on the road to head home traffic was gridlocked as they had chosen that time to open the draw bridge to check it for god only knows what they check it for periodically. I'm in for the remainder of the day!

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