For those of you who are keeping track chalk up another one for a non-Florida bit of weirdness. A man from four years in the future walked into an Oklahoma City Carl's Jr. wanting food,when he didn't get what he came for he went to a nearby Arby's where he pushed aside the manager,jumped the counter and grabbed some chicken and bacon (he must not have known it was a roast beef place). When the police arrived and arrested the 36 year old he explained he was from an apocalyptic future and that was how people fed themselves in the year 2020. Now for the confusing part! He said everyone was dead in 2020 and he had walked all the way back and was hungry. So if everyone was dead in 2020 how did he know their feeding habits? Plus if he is 36 years old is that his age in 2016 or 2020? One last long of a walk was it?

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