I woke up at 3 something this morning which in itself is not that unusual however I noticed it was brighter than normal and as I became more conscious I realized it was because my computer monitor was on in the living room meaning that an automatic update (read automatic downgrade) was taking place. Why is it that the monitor comes on for this chat between computers? It's not as if they can see each other or need it to take care of their task,but I digress. Morning comes and as I start my day it becomes apparent that whatever my computer learned at three in the morning has adversely affected it making any regular task impossible without crashing. I finally give up and break out my laptop and since it's been awhile since it's been used it keeps interrupting every few seconds telling me of needed upgrades,acting like an unruly child in a store. I finally break down and let it get its upgrades and now it too is prone to crashing. Does anyone else have these problems with upgrades or am I an isolated case?

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