According to the saying if a person is clumsy they have two left feet. With that thought in mind if a clumsy person were to burgle a shoe store wouldn't they take left shoes? Some of you may be thinking at this point that this incident took place in Florida but this time you'd be wrong! The shoe store in question was located in Roanoke,Virginia and the thief took 13 right shoes,some shirts and hoodies plus one actual pair of sneakers. Perhaps the oddest thing of all is the same thing happened to the same store earlier in the year. The only reason I could come up with is either they were an amputee or knew an amputee,but how many shoes would an average amputee need in the course of a few months? It doesn't seem like it would be a number above 13. Another thought is the thief knew of the controversial advertisement that Nike released and stole only Nike shoes to be used for burning in protest without actually purchasing them...yes,that sounds like the logic of a trump supporter.

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