It's hard to know where to start with this convoluted mess,but I'll give it a go. A man was out jogging when he came across a wheelbarrow in a pile of trash and for some reason decided to take it home. At that time a man with a Samurai sword came at him also wanting the wheelbarrow. One would think the jogger would just say,fine here you go,it's all yours put the sword away but since it was taking place in Florida the jogger took off with the wheelbarrow. He had almost made it home when he turned around to see the man with the sword was still hot on his trail. At this point he was beginning to question his judgement,but wait there's more! Once he got the coveted wheelbarrow to his residence a woman showed up and said it was her wheelbarrow taken from her garage sale though the wheelbarrow was not for sale. She took the wheelbarrow and left. The swordsman was charged with second degree attempted murder.

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