A 19 year old UK man/boy went to a music festival a week ago and lost his car on the second day. Apparently he left the car at the motel the first day and took other transportation to the festival,but the second day he wanted to give his friends a ride so he drove his car. When they got near the festival there was no parking to be had so he drove around until he found a spot on a residential street,then they took a 10 minute taxi ride to the festival,not sure why they couldn't have walked from there but that and the fact he felt okay about taking up parking that was meant for the residents of the street is what inclines me to think of him as entitled. When the festival was over they could not find the car and had to find a ride home with other festival goers. His mom was irritated with him for not taking a picture of where he had parked and for being irresponsible but put out a plea on social media for help finding the car then went with her son the following weekend and spent 8 hours searching but couldn't find the car. I'm thinking it was towed and wonder if they tried calling towing companies,plus if he took a taxi from where he parked the taxi company should have a record of where he was picked up. At any rate he doesn't seem mature enough to be driving let alone owning a car which his mother claimed was his pride and joy.

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