It is so wearisome hearing the continual whining about how mean Kate Brown is making everyone wear face masks,never mind that with any luck (and the temporary wearing of face masks) this virus will at some point be behind us and we will no longer be required to wear them. It is not a violation of your rights any more than wearing a seat belt or a motorcycle helmet is, both of which are laws. If that wasn't enough to be whining about then mean old Kate Brown saw fit to let 4th of July festivities be canceled,oh woe is me! How will we survive with out fireworks that generally last 30-45 minutes,scare animals, make veterans uneasy and often times start fires. Some might want to argue that the children will be cheated out of a memory. The fondest memories I have of the 4th is waiting for it to be dark so we could run around the yard with sparklers. Oh,and don't forget while your'e busily blaming Kate Brown that she wouldn't have to be making these requests to protect your health if little donnie dipshit hadn't been asleep at the wheel and allowed the pandemic to not only reach our country but get wildly out of hand,so if you really must blame/shame someone try getting the right person. Have a safe and happy holiday.

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