Today's blog came as a surprise to me in that I found it in a trivia question asking "what country passed a law in 2005 requiring men to do 50% of the household chores,including childcare and care for elderly family members?" I chose the wrong answer because I automatically rejected Spain from a preconceived notion that the men there were too macho to ever allow a law like that to be passed,let alone enforced. The way it is being implemented is written right into the marriage contract,failure to comply results in loss of rights in the case of a divorce. Up to the time of this law women did the housework almost exclusively even if they worked full time. The public reaction to the law was mixed,some saying things would never change,while others thought it should be an agreement reached between the couples. It seems to be a step in the right direction,but the logistics of monitoring and enforcing may prove to be a tricky venture.

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