It has been a rumor since 1930 that one of the 23 flavors in Dr. Pepper is prune juice,but that is as close as it gets to anything with a hint of nutritional value,and it is a false rumor. As with most sodas the ingredients are nothing healthful. Ingredients are listed in order of amounts contained,so as the list descends so does the amount. The first listed ingredient is carbonated water,that sounds innocent enough,water with carbon dioxide for the fizz,but it is linked to tooth decay,and may interfere with embryonic development. Next comes high fructose corn syrup,side effects include tooth decay,abnormal weight gain,kidney stones,colon cancer and diabetes. #3 is Carmel color,side effects are stomach problems,liver and hyperactivity. #4 is phosphoric acid (not a food) it may lead to calcium loss and cause osteoporosis. It is also a corrosive used to remove rust. #5 natural flavors,another deceptive term as these "flavors" often mask the flavor of harmful naturally derived flavors such as MSG. #6 artificial flavors are often used to mimic another flavor,may cause headaches,nausea and drowsiness. #7 sodium benzoate,a sodium salt and petroleum derivative. May cause asthma,hives and allergic reactions,DNA damage leading to degenerative diseases. #8 caffeine a psychoactive drug,probably the least threatening out of these eight. I also recently read ethylene glycol,the ingredient in antifreeze that is poisonous to pets is included in the 23 flavors.

Out of curiosity,is anyone still drinking soda? I should also mention that the diet sodas are even worse when you tally up their side effects,so grab a different drink!
Out of curiosity,is anyone still drinking soda? I should also mention that the diet sodas are even worse when you tally up their side effects,so grab a different drink!
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