Europe in many ways is ahead of the US,health care is the first thing that comes to mind and I know there are others,but they aren't really the point of today's blog,so I will spare you the unrelated details. With that thought in mind, an article caught my attention that could be interpreted as either progressive or backward depending on which camp you reside in concerning drunk driving laws. In January of this year Kerry county Ireland legalized drunk driving to allow rural people to drive home from the pub. An independent councillor claimed it would prevent depression and suicide in isolated areas. He also pointed out that there was very little traffic on these country roads and that the lonely country folk needed a social outlet that was denied them due to stricter drunk driving laws. Coincidentally,this same man is also a pub owner. The legal landmark was criticized by Ireland's Road Safety Authority whose spokesman claimed the greatest toll in death and injuries occurred in rural locations. A step forward or a step decide!

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