It appears that something is amiss with the justice system. Early this morning a 25 year old woman stole a patrol car and led deputies on a high speed chase near Molalla. This was after a 911 call reporting a stabbing at the address where the patrol car was taken. You are probably wondering where the problem is at this point,so without further ado I will tell you. As it happens this same woman did nearly the same thing 3 years ago in the same area,fortunately the stabbing victim was different,after all,how many times should a person get stabbed by the same person? The woman was sentenced to 4 years in prison. So to recap,she got out in less that 4 years,somehow I can't see good behaviour being involved in the early release. Then instead of being restricted from the area of her previous crime,or for that matter receiving some kind of help that she obviously needed,she is simply released into the wild. Sure budgets are a problem,but I am not convinced that there are not other less dangerous ways to cut corners. Not to mention if their budgets work like so many government budgets do,where they have to use it all in order to receive a bigger budget the following year,then our work as taxpayers is truly cut out for us.

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