Today's blog comes from an unbidden thought I had while going about my morning. You may read this and decide I have slipped a cog and it is only a matter of moments before the men in the white coats show up with a special jacket for me to wear. In my defense it has been too stormy so far today to go for a walk,so it is entirely possible that I am not functioning at optimum mental capacity. I can't tell you exactly who I was thinking of at the time, but there was a recognition that people tend to look like their cars. Sure,you have probably heard that people and their dogs tend to share physical resemblances,but have you ever compared people to their cars? Once I started building this mental catalogue it seemed rather obvious to me. Before I went completely hog wild on this thought I paused my thought process to check for information online to see if my idea was validated,and sure enough there it was! I am not the only one with a screw loose! Most of what I found relates more to your vehicle's color,but I think it goes beyond that to include make and model. Please find below a few pictures for you to ponder the similarities.

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