The word re means,in the matter of,or when pronounced with the "e" as a long "a" sound it becomes part of the musical scale. With those two definitions in mind there are many words starting with the prefix re that don't make a lot of sense. If you were paying attention to yesterday's blog you will recall one of these words is retired. Pretend you don't know the meaning of the word retired and think of what it might about using it to describe the act of changing all 4 tires on a vehicle?,or if you woke up in the morning, felt tired and worked all day by the end of the day you would be doubly tired,or retired. Now I would like to ask you to take a moment to consider the following words as workable replacements (hey! replacement could work!) for the word retired,pertaining to having completed your chosen career: refreshed,revamped,retooled,reworked,repurposed,recast,recaptured,receded,recess,recharged,re-created and the list goes on,all better choices than retired when you put aside the idea of retired meaning what it has come to mean. Retired is just one of those words that seem to have been assigned its meaning totally at random. Of course it is also entirely possible that I am the only one that ever thinks about this kind of stuff...if so please disregard!

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