Being left handed could not be an easy life,any right handed person with an ounce of empathy tends to feel bad for the lefties and the challenges they face on a daily basis. As I was browsing through a list of facts a couple about the left handed caught my attention. Lefties make up about 10% of the population and studies have found that people with psychosis have a 20% likelihood of being left handed,and the percentage may be even higher. As if the daily problems facing lefties isn't enough they also have and increased risk for dyslexia,ADHD and other mood disorders. There are a few positives to being in the 10% club,lefties tend to find careers in creative arts and if they have political aspirations a high percentage of U.S. presidents are left handed,they also have the advantage in several sports. If none of those facts cheer you lefties up,how about having an International Left-Hander's Day (August 13)?

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