There are many things I don't understand. The lengths people will go to achieve fame,if only fleeting,has always dumbfounded me. The people that become famous sacrifice their privacy and spend large amounts of money (provided by the fame) trying to be anonymous. Maybe the most puzzling part is the people who risk their lives for fame without promise of financial reward. The fame seeker (or perhaps psycho is more appropriate?) I am presenting today put a new twist on bungee jumping,he was not hired to do the stunt as a commercial,nor was he trying to make a statement of any kind,he was simply trying to recapture the rush of his first bungee jump. With the help of a friend over a 4 month period they constructed a bungee cord using 18,500 condoms to make a 98 ft.cord. The cord's strength was adequate to complete the jump,which wasn't too surprising since strength requirements for condoms state they be able to stretch 650% of their original length (doesn't that seem like overkill?),but what about a few other logistics like cost? I have no idea what a 98 ft.bungee cord would cost,but the price range for a cord made from condoms is between $4,600 and $14,000 depending on brand and where they were purchased. Again,what was the point???did you hear of him before reading this? is recapturing the rush of a first time jump worth the time,risk and money? I guess this is where I should say,"It takes all kinds".

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