Today's blog is probably too far back for a lot of people to remember,but since it involves one of the first song memories I have, I found it blog-worthy. The song was "The Purple People Eater" by Sheb Wooley (1958). My sister and I had Purple People Eater pins ,I have no memory of who gave them to us but we loved those pins. Oddly enough,Sheb Wooley had several other items listed to his credit,none that I recalled until his name recently came to my attention and I looked him up and found a familiar face. He did acting and was in "High Noon","The Outlaw Josey Wales" and co-starred with Clint Eastwood in "Rawhide". He also appeared in dozens of other westerns and for those of you who remember the show "My Friend Flicka" he had a guest appearance there as well. Wooley's voice was also credited for the Wilhelm Scream which was a common sound effect when people fell from buildings,were shot or even eaten by crocodiles. If you don't have any recollection of Sheb's work that I have listed maybe the name Roger Miller rings a bell? Miller was his wife's younger cousin who Wooley taught to play the guitar. Wooley is pictured below on the left in a scene from "Rawhide".

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