Not surprisingly I was discussing death with a friend the other day. The only conclusion we were able to reach didn't make a lot of sense. We were in agreement that no matter the conditions surrounding a death it always seemed unexpected,of course that thought isn't logical as from the moment of birth, death is waiting in the wings,but when applied to how it feels to lose loved ones it adequately reflects the bewilderment of the event. Neither age,illness,mental state,nor destructive habits prepares the survivors for the finality of death. The idea behind all these thoughts is that an anticipated death would somehow be easier to deal with, which is invalid too, as it is the loss itself that brings the pain. Maybe it is simply the mystery of death that leaves people feeling so empty? As years go by I find it more and more difficult to form new relationships and wonder if I am becoming agoraphobic as a result. Sorry to still be droning on about this less than pleasant subject,but my feeble attempts at solving this puzzle somehow seem to help me heal.

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