Yesterday on the news they played a clip about a gal in Portland who started a professional cuddling business. She charged $60 for a session,the article never stated exactly how long the session lasted,but it sounded like it was 50 minutes. Though she may be the first in the Portland area, professional cuddlers are starting to pop up around the nation. She got the idea after seeing two men at a farmers market. One man had a sign that read "Free Hugs",the other man's sign said "Deluxe Hugs $2." People were lined up for the deluxe hugs. After doing some research she made a website,got a tax ID,registered her business with the state,and had a lawyer draw up a waiver outlining the client's responsibilities. It all sound like a fairly clever idea to me,but the list of people complaining was varied and incredible. Not to mention that someone pointed out it was bordering close to Oregon's definition of sexual contact...excuse me but if massage is okay done without clothes on,why would cuddling with clothes on be illegal? It sounds like a clear case of sour grapes to me.

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