I think today is the third day I have spent looking at information about how no two snowflakes can be alike. I have always had a hard time accepting that as fact,trying to imagine all the snowflakes that fall in the whole world in the course of a year and not even two that are alike? The odd thing is that the theories that support that fact don't all offer the same reasoning as to why no two are alike,which caused me to be suspicious. The ones that say there may be twin snowflakes have equally conflicting theories. I finally contented myself with one opinion that stated snowflakes all start out the same,but their individual journeys from cloud to Earth change them into their final configuration. An interesting tidbit about the beautiful pictures you often see of snowflakes (snowflakes are made of snow crystals) the perfectly symmetrical likenesses that are most often presented are the exception,as most snowflakes are irregular,plain and misshapen. One article even likened snowflakes to people,which I found somewhat apt.

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