October is bat appreciation month and also caffeine addiction recovery month,which is interesting since the first day of the month is...
10/1 International Coffee Day
10/2 Coffee With a Cop Day
10/3 Techies Day
10/4 Vodka Day
10/5 Woofstock
10/6 Mad Hatter Day
10/7 You Matter to Me Day
10/8 World Octopus Day
10/9 International Beer and Pizza Day
10/10 World Homeless Day
10/11 World Egg Day
10/12 Drink Local Wine Day
10/13 Silly Sayings Day
10/14 Native Americans Day
10/15 National Grouch Day
10/16 Global Cat Day
10/17 National Pasta Day
10/18 National Chocolate Cupcake Day
10/19 Sloth International Day
10/20 International Chefs Day
10/21 Celebration of the Mind Day
10/22 National Nut Day
10/23 Unity Day
10/24 Food Day
10/25 National Bread Sticks Day
10/26 Howl at the Moon Night
10/27 Cranky Co-Workers Day
10/28 Champagne Day
10/29 World Psoriasis Day
10/30 Mischief Night (aka Devil's Night)
10/31 National Doorbell Day

10/1 International Coffee Day
10/2 Coffee With a Cop Day
10/3 Techies Day
10/4 Vodka Day
10/5 Woofstock
10/6 Mad Hatter Day
10/7 You Matter to Me Day
10/8 World Octopus Day
10/9 International Beer and Pizza Day
10/10 World Homeless Day
10/11 World Egg Day
10/12 Drink Local Wine Day
10/13 Silly Sayings Day
10/14 Native Americans Day
10/15 National Grouch Day
10/16 Global Cat Day
10/17 National Pasta Day
10/18 National Chocolate Cupcake Day
10/19 Sloth International Day
10/20 International Chefs Day
10/21 Celebration of the Mind Day
10/22 National Nut Day
10/23 Unity Day
10/24 Food Day
10/25 National Bread Sticks Day
10/26 Howl at the Moon Night
10/27 Cranky Co-Workers Day
10/28 Champagne Day
10/29 World Psoriasis Day
10/30 Mischief Night (aka Devil's Night)
10/31 National Doorbell Day

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