A few weeks back I posted a piece about the site "Free the Ocean" where if you answer a trivia question every day it pays to have a piece of plastic removed from the ocean. Since I have been playing I have learned some disheartening information such as some tea bags are now being made of plastic. It simply makes me see red to think that instead of cutting back on plastics some companies are opting to use them instead of a more sustainable alternative. Oh and if that isn't enough to make a person wonder what the hell is going on how about this? India is banning plastics nationwide and plan to be plastic free by 2022! and never mind that their plastic consumption is only 24 lbs per capita compared to 240 lbs in the US. Why aren't all countries following this lead? Everything that is currently being made from plastic can be made with either hemp or bamboo. We really need to make our voices heard on this plastic plague. Okay,end of rant.

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