First off I want everyone to note that I'm not trying to parent shame this dad so no one needs to get their nose out of joint over that. A father left his 3 year old daughter alone in the kitchen while he went out to the garden for 10 minutes to fix a fence. His 6 year old son came out and told his dad that his sister was eating a yogurt which the dad responded that was okay. When he went back inside he was astounded to see that his daughter had helped herself to not one,but 18 yogurts. Of course a child shouldn't be reprimanded for eating but it makes a person wonder when the last time they had fed the kid,even considering the small size of the yogurts that's a lot of food for a 3 year old,but thinking it was funny and making a big deal out of it probably wasn't a great reaction either. Then people wonder how eating disorders get started.

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