In case anyone was wondering what the names of the three monkeys are,they are Mizaru (see no evil),Kikazaru (hear no evil) and Iwazaru (speak no evil). Now I suppose you're curious about why I brought up the monkeys? The short version is that their timeless wisdom of minding their own business would be best heeded by some of the stone throwing politicians. They always seem to jump in with both feet in their mouths whenever a fellow office holder is caught with their pants down. Does it ever occur to them that they are judging (to paraphrase) lest not they be judged?or how about another,let he who goes without sin cast the first stone? (again paraphrasing) I tried to not blog about his subject,but I get so angry as the story drags on that I decided it would be better to just do it and get over it. I am referring to the (Portland) Multnomah County Chair Jeff Cogen who recently confessed to having an affair with another county employee. Don't get me wrong,I don't condone his behavior,I just don't see what it has to do with his ability to do his job,unless of course laws were broken which has yet to be proved. The rest of the county commissioners say they don't trust him now...excuse me but trust and politician in the same sentence? This is not something new in the history of our nation,people of power being caught at unsavory activities,but as long as it's in their private life why should they be publicly drawn and quartered? Thomas Jefferson is said fathered several illegitimate children,J.F.K.,and Bill Clinton were also known adulterers,but did it make them less effective presidents?

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