I don't know about the rest of you but I was unaware that Roseanne Barr ran as a third party candidate in the presidential election. She also plans to continue running until she is either elected or dead (okay,I made up the dead part,she didn't say that!). I don't agree with all her ideas but she has some really valid points,and for the bonus imagine listening to her give a state of the union address! It seems to me that we have had many presidents that acted like comedians once they were elected (not to name names,but the Bush family comes to mind) in fact Nixon even made an appearance on the comedy show "Laugh In" while he was in office. So following that logic if a comedian was elected maybe that would cause them to become serious? Barr thinks her history in comedy works in her favor. "In order to be able to write a good joke,you have to find the truth". She referred to the battle between Republicans and Demorcrats as a choice between "Satan and Satan". When asked if she would accept donations from companies or political action committees,she says,"Special interests don't want no part of me-they know I can't be bought. Their god is money and they are devout." Too bad they don't allow third party candidates in on the presidential debates,Barr would certainly boost the ratings!

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