Whether by genetic design or spontaneous mutation,I have always had a smart mouth and tend to crack wise when keeping my mouth shut would be the better plan. Today I was ready to exercise the wise crack feature but at the last minute reined myself in with the thought that,1. This might not be the person I think it is,and 2. Even if it is the right person what if he finds what I say less than humorous and I end up detained? Several years back neither of these possible scenarios would have given me pause,but today is the day before a National holiday so I might end up detained longer than I could tolerate and who would I tell anyone to call for me?? The friends that are still walking this earth may not be in any condition themselves to vouch for my sanity or appear 100% sane by some standards,so would they even be willing to take the risk to help bail me out of a situation my mouth has gotten me into? This is just another indication that this growing old business is NOT for sissies.

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