It is so nice to be back to normal,of course the word normal doesn't really mean much because normal is different for everyone. Normal to me is to being able to finally return to my blogging routine and not be spending every spare second trying to fix a problems so vague it was hard to know what to try. Then there is the problem of running out of things to try so you start repeating earlier attempts which is the definition of insanity (trying the same thing over and expecting different results) but hey! I never claimed to be sane! There is probably more than one reader who started wondering if I had thrown up my hands and quit,but those of you who know me understand that quit is not part of my character,though I usually have the sense to recognize a no win situation in time to pull back without major damage. A friend has often pointed out how having a computer is a lot like having a dysfunctional relationship and that seems to be a fairly accurate take on the love hate thing most of us have going with our computers. It is good to have my brain engaged again in something I enjoy doing rather than battling a computer error with no explanation of its origin. It looks as though I have taken up enough of your time today bemoaning my recent dilemma so I give my word I will relate a recent amusing story for your reading pleasure tomorrow.

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