Punk is just another four letter word with a sorted past. Today the primary meaning is basically anti-establishment,but go back to the 1600s and the meaning was 'female prostitute" it was even used by Shakespeare in that context. By the 20th century the meaning had changed to the unwilling partner in a prison rape (makes a person wonder where the idea for getting punked came from!) The next usage is the one I grew up with where a punk was a criminal apprentice and was later made famous by Clint Eastwood to mean a variety of unsavory characters. In the 1970s a music critic used punk to describe a new type of music,which given a little thought can relate back to the rape definition if you feel as though your ears have been assaulted,or to the earlier still definition of prostitution,or if you prefer something more innocuous think of punk as a stick used to light fireworks!
I have no idea if I will be able to get more blogs out in the manner I did today as I kind of snuck up on it this time. I would love to know if I am the only one who is having problems. I have tried contacting Google but they don't have any help contacts for blog accounts unless you are a paying customer...of course how would they know if I was CEO of a giant firm that was one of their very best customers? and I just wrote this blog for my private amusement? Then again it could all go back to me dissing airport security and various other government agencies...I told you I wasn't paranoid,they really are out to get me!

I have no idea if I will be able to get more blogs out in the manner I did today as I kind of snuck up on it this time. I would love to know if I am the only one who is having problems. I have tried contacting Google but they don't have any help contacts for blog accounts unless you are a paying customer...of course how would they know if I was CEO of a giant firm that was one of their very best customers? and I just wrote this blog for my private amusement? Then again it could all go back to me dissing airport security and various other government agencies...I told you I wasn't paranoid,they really are out to get me!
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