Today's blog probably should have been included with yesterday's,but it had been on the back burner so long I forgot about it. Emerson Moser was colorblind which is fairly common in males,what wasn't common about Moser was that he managed to retire after 37 years on the job as senior crayon maker for Crayola. In his years there he made around 1.4 billion crayons before he told them he was colorblind. Other names you might recognize who were also colorblind include,Paul Newman,Mr.(Fred) Rogers,Renoir,and Vincent van Gogh. About 99% of the 10 million American males who suffer colorblindness have trouble distinguishing reds and greens. They don't see them reversed,red for green or green for red but see them as similar colors. True colorblindness,the inability to see colors other than black,gray or white is called monochromacy and is very rare. There are computer programs that simulate colorblind vision and "color correct" an image to make it easier for the colorblind to see.

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