I recently ran out of books on my Kindle so I downloaded the first available book from the library website. The book was "Did Somebody Step on a Duck?" by Jim Dawson subtitled A Natural History of the Fart. The book was listed as humor and that was good enough for me,the amazing thing I found in reading it was the amount of research the author had done,not to mention the variety of material available for him to research,from laws to art and even a CD devoted to the subject ("Songs For Fart Lovers"). As often happens I even picked up a phrase that was new to me,"sparrow fart". There are varied meaning of the phrase a couple of them are to get up at sparrow fart or crack (getting up early) also common is something small and inconsequential (a sparrow fart in a windstorm) but the most surprising of all for me was an issue of New Zealand Post stamps that had sparrow fart and several other Kiwi expressions on half the stamp,on the black half of the stamp the definitions were revealed when the area was rubbed. How fun is that? Too bad we don't have any stamps we can play with here in the US,or is that something I have missed?
Today's blog is further proof that I really will read anything!

Today's blog is further proof that I really will read anything!
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