I usually find that Europe is way ahead of the US in many ways,health treatments are the first thing that comes to mind and I will just stay with that one for today as it most closely applies to today's subject. When I first read about Amsterdam giving alcoholics beer to pick up trash I wasn't sure how that was helping them,but as you will see it isn't quite as crazy as it sounds. After trying punishments and various other ways of dealing with the alcoholics it was decided to try a work for beer program that was first used in Canada. Amsterdam has traditionally shunned zero tolerance in response to addictions. The way the program works is the alcoholics wanting work sign up on a waiting list,once they get on a crew to pick up trash they receive two beers before beginning work,two for lunchtime and two more at the end of their shift. The also get a half packet of rolling tobacco,free lunch and about $13.55 (10 euros) a day. The program is successful in keeping them out of public areas and gives them a purpose in life instead of being herded by the authorities from one area to another throughout the day. Oh,they are not allowed to drink while they are working,only at break times.

good idea.