Today's blog should be filed under additional uses for technology. Apparently dog droppings have become enough of a problem that there is now a business named Poo-Prints. The service is already in 45 states and three countries. The business thrives in apartment/condo living areas where the grounds are common area and even one person not picking up after their dog can quickly create a problem. As part of the pet policy dog owners must provide a DNA swab for their animal which is then sent to a lab and stored in a data base. The DNA kit costs $40 and the price is included in the pet deposit in some rental contracts. The fee for the waste to be processed is $75,which I assume is passed on to the offending party along with a fine. The policy seems to work well for the residents,but what about strays or neighbors who sneak into the area by the dark of night to make their deposits? Maybe a poop patrol will be launched to handle that problem?

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