Remember Octomom? I never did understand the logic behind her multiple births unless it was a scheme to solve financial problems. But it gets crazier if you can believe "The Guinness Book of World Records". In Russia in the 1700s (keep the time period in mind) according to village records a woman (no first name recorded,how's that for insulting?) gave birth to 69 children. My first thought was she would be too old to continue having children,and I had already discarded several multiple births as they are rare and in that time I find it doubtful both mother and babies would survive. According to Guinness that is the exact reason for the 69 children,16 pair of twins,7 sets of triplets and 4 sets of quadruplets. I still remain skeptical as the babies would have been too small to survive without the medical technology that is available today,and again according to the records all but two of these babies survived.

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