Okay,time to test you on what your have learned from reading this blog in the past...Just kidding! It doesn't matter to me one way or another if you learn anything,though it is nice if you did, the main thing is to be entertained and hopefully enjoy my blathering. This morning I had my 6 month dental exam and teeth cleaning,I enjoy the result of the cleaning but am beginning to wonder if I really need to go every 6 months as my teeth don't really seem to need cleaning in that amount of time. My hygienist was nervous and paranoid that I was going to blog about her,I assured her that there wasn't enough common ground to blog about her as most of my readers wouldn't know who she was,however I didn't say I wouldn't blog about the exam itself! About a year ago I did a post on being surprised by the taste of the polish she used as it was birthday cake flavored and I was expecting mint. She has since acquired several other flavors and claims she will one day surprise me again by using one on me that I have told her about,like bacon flavored, whiskey,or maybe dill pickle. Still that is not what I started out to tell you about either,so time to get on with the real subject. Why is it that both hygienists and dentists always wait until they have your mouth wide open and their hands inside working to start a conversation? It isn't like they are just doing a monologue and you aren't required to participate,they actually ask questions. Are you supposed to try to talk with their hands in your mouth? Just a little something I have been wondering about over the years. Who knows? with any luck maybe one of you out there in reader land will have an answer for me!

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