First let me go on the record as saying I have nothing against police officers,but (you knew there was going to be a but!) often either their ego gets the better of them or they got into the job under the radar of their interviewers. I most often see the swaggering,chest puffed out type of officer rather than the type that assumes the role of a fellow human being,to protect and serve as it were. At any rate unions in this country would protect recalcitrant offenders from the discipline being administered in Thailand. Unbecoming behavior was a real problem in Thailand and warnings were no longer working. The misbehaving officers are being forced to wear Hello Kitty armbands along with a pair of linked hearts as a deterrent. The idea is to shame them,hoping to prevent repeat offenses. The officers are not allowed to disclose their offense,leaving people to speculate on their wrongdoing.

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