In 1987 an opal miner in Coober Pedy,Australia uncovered an opalised fossil of a pliosaur. A fossil is a rare find but finding a fossil preserved in opal with its iridescent sheen is rarer still. The miner wasn't sure what the nearly complete fossil was worth ($230,000) but the opal content was estimated at $25,000. The fossil was eventually sold to an Australian businessman who then acquired services of an archaeologist who named the dinosaur Eric. During the reconstruction of Eric an opalised fish was found inside of Eric's stomach and keeping with the theme was named Wanda. A few years later Eric's owner found himself in financial difficulties and Eric was going to be auctioned off. Luckily a science television series championed the cause and along with Australian school children raised enough money to purchase Eric. Eric is now on permanent display at the Australian Museum...I'm not sure what happened to Wanda.

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