As you long time readers may recall I am not fond of artificial fragrances,they tend to make me choke plus once they get into your nose you can't smell or taste anything except their obnoxious smell. Don't be upset by the information presented in today's blog as there are solutions that don't involve toxic substances. I am talking about dryer sheets and liquid fabric softeners,even the unscented products contain toxic chemicals. Reading the labels of these products doesn't help much unless you're a chemist and no laws are in place requiring the various chemicals to be listed. The chemicals used are neurotoxins and are absorbed through your skin over time causing symptoms including: headaches,depression,nausea,vomiting,dizziness,convulsions,confusion,dementia and in severe cases death. Okay,now for the solutions I promised...the most simple is a couple of wadded up balls of aluminium foil,also I read felted wool dryer balls,either one works as well without the smell or the dangers of the chemical softeners and static reducers. "Live long and prosper"!

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