At the risk of sounding like a commercial for the FURminator deshedding tool,you won't be sorry if you buy one. I brush my cats every day not only in hope of eliminating some of the shedding,but they also enjoy it and expect it...all part of the service to them. That said I'm not sure why I bought a FURminator as I didn't really expect it to work much,if any,better than their regular brush. My God!!! You would not believe the amount of hair that came off of them! Even if you don't think your cat (or cats) would like to be brushed there is something about this product that seems to make all cats enjoy the experience,I think it is because it gets the undercoat out and that must feel really good to the cat because mine were instantly in love with it...and just think there might be a light at the end of the hair tunnel after all! The prices vary and they are fairly expensive,but in my opinion,it is money well spent!

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