Sometimes I'm not sure if I am just getting old and crabby or if there really is something to be irritated about. Some of the things that have bothered me recently are the so called "life hacks". I still enjoy learning new things and am open to trying different ways of doing things,but every one of the hacks I have tried failed to impress me. I was excited to see the one about using a can opener to get into the clam shell type packaging...until the can opener refused to cut more than an inch at a time before slipping off the narrow and flexible plastic lip. Next I tried shaking garlic cloves in a jar,the idea was they would peel themselves,what really happened was a few of the papery parts fell off then proceeded to stick to jar and once the jar was open me and everything else because garlic juice had heightened their already tenacious tendency to stick to things. Then I saw the one about using a can of oil packed tuna to make a candle and just scratched my head. In an emergency you are going to happen to have a can of tuna,scissors to cut just the right size of toilet paper and a knife? and even if you did happen to have those items I find it hard to believe that a third of a sheet of toilet paper is going to burn for 4 hours,needless to say I won't be trying that hack! Like any good magic trick I suppose these hacks could be mastered and work as advertised,but who wants to devote that kind of time when most people already have their own solutions that work for them?

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