When Billy Wilder said "hindsight is always 20/20", he knew what he was saying. When I ordered my now over a year old computer I didn't order a new monitor thinking the one I had was still working fine,so why junk it when it might have years of life left? Beep,I lose. It apparently had just a little over a year of life left as when I went to fire up the computer while my morning coffee brewed, I was met with a dead monitor. Some people freak out when they are without TV,with me it is my computer. I pretty much slammed my coffee,choked down breakfast,really fast shower and out the door before 9. I got back home in a little over 1/2 hour and was already feeling more relaxed with new monitor in hand...but wait is the battle really over so easily? Not when a person doesn't read the instructions,but who would have thought there would be anything difficult about hooking up a new monitor? As it turned out there wasn't anything that difficult,but I spent over an hour trying to find where one of the cables hooked into the computer,that is when in desperation I turned to the instructions to find out that I didn't need that cable! All is well now,but it was another close call for insanity.

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