Recently I read about Nepal's living goddesses but as usual wanted to know more than was offered. These goddesses are chosen as toddlers and must meet 32 physical requirements, such as their voices,the color of their eyes and their horoscope. Their are many Kumari in Nepal,but the most import is the Kumari Devi,meaning Royal Living Goddess. They are believed to be incarnations of the goddess Taleju and the earthly manifestation of divine female energy. They are always dressed in red, have a fire eye painted on their foreheads,are carried in a golden palanquin whenever they leave the palace as their feet must never touch the ground. They hold their positions until they reach puberty at which time they must adjust to life as a mortal. That must be quite an adjustment after being worshiped from a tender age,and I found no mention of a pension coming with their retirement.

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