I bet you thought I was going to end that title with face! Ha! you lose. I was screaming at a contestant on "Who Wants To Be a Millionaire" earlier today because she didn't know that amethyst was thought to prevent drunkenness. The reason I happen to know that little tidbit is I purchased an amethyst ring in the Cayman Islands and found out at some point that it was supposed to prevent drunkenness,though that is not the reason I bought the ring...and no,it doesn't work! I started thinking about other gems and if they were thought to have healing properties and of course there are many and the list is long,so I will limit today's post to the supposed uses for amethyst. These uses include: letting go of limiting attachments,opening to higher state of consciousness,strengthening and clarifying intuition,opening your inner source of wisdom and gaining clarity about your true nature or purpose. There are many variations not only of the gem itself but of how to use it to gain whatever it is you wish to gain,so maybe just being in possession of a ring isn't enough to reap the rewards!

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