As you regular readers know I often include the bizarre happening in the state of Florida as fodder for my blog as they seem to be in constant supply. Not the case for today's post,this time the weirdness takes place in Knoxville,TN. A young man was stopped twice in an 18 hour period (between 2 a.m. and 8 p.m.) for using flashlights to replace his broken headlights. On both occasions he was sited for improper headlights,violation state registration law,and driving without insurance. His story was he had an accident that broke both headlights and couldn't afford to have them fixed,so he bought flashlights and bungee corded them to his bumper. Apparently he thought that would be an adequate fix but now he is further in the hole because of his oversight...or maybe that should be undersight? or perhaps darksight? The moral of today's post is weirdness happens everywhere,all you need to do is look around!

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