Following yesterday's post with today's subject may cause a person to not only scratch their head,but also to lose any doubt they might have on whether or not the world is running amok. Today's offering deals with a woman in Utah who is suing herself for negligence in the death of her husband. She was driving through the desert when she hit a sagebrush and flipped their Range Rover. My first problem with this is how could hitting a sagebrush cause a rig to flip?? Maybe they have grown in size since I last seen one? But,I digress. Her husband was thrown from the vehicle and as a result died. I don't know about everyone else,but I smell a rat...seems pretty convenient for her husband not to be wearing a seat belt when she flips the rig after hitting a sagebrush. Again,I digress. If she succeeds with the suit and the insurance company is forced to pay the estate for her negligence it seems only fitting that she should serve time for wrongful death,but for some reason that small detail isn't mentioned.

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