I tried to not add my opinion on this,but it has been on my mind since I heard about it yesterday,so rather than minding my own business and forgetting about someone else's business I will post it here and go on with life. I am talking about the 65 year old teacher in Germany who is pregnant with quadruplets. It was no accidental pregnancy as she used donated eggs that were fertilized abroad,never mind it took multiple tries. The reason she stated for wanting to get pregnant after already having 13 children?? Her youngest (9 years old) wanted a younger sibling! Hey! I've got a great idea!!! You could adopt a child or get a pet,but seriously getting pregnant at age 65 is ill advised and with quadruplets it only multiplies the risks. Never mind she could always tell the girl NO. So now she is nearing retirement and having babies at the same time. Did she not think of what would happen if she died as result of this pregnancy? Couldn't the 9 year old enjoy playing with her mother's 7 grandchildren? Okay,off my soapbox...the rant is officially over!

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