Saliva is around 99% water with the other 1% made up of a complex mixture of proteins,minerals,vitamins,hormones,and traces of what you have recently had in your mouth. The salivary glands produce about a quart per day adding up to enough to fill two bathtubs a year or 2 swimming pools in a lifetime,that's some major spit! A couple of other interesting saliva facts: parents who suck the dirt off their baby's pacifier are inoculating their children against allergies and they are also less likely to get eczema and asthma. Saliva contains a natural painkiller six times more powerful than morphine with zero side effect. I wonder if I should start saving my spit now before it becomes valuable? Of course South Africa already has an illegal spit trade where people with TB sell their saliva so the healthy people can draw health benefits of a person with TB.

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