In the US @ is simply called the at sign or commercial at,fairly boring and unimaginative,but other countries offer more clever and accurate names for the @ symbol. In Israel it is called a strudel. In Dutch it becomes a monkey's tail. In Swedish @ is an "a" with an elephant's trunk. Greek calls @ a little duck. In Russia @ is a dog. Italians call @ a snail. In Finland @ is known as a mouse's tail and also a sleeping cat. In Hungary @ is a little worm. In Norway @ is a curled "a". In Czech @ is a rolled pickled herring. In several countries @ is known to mean various measures of weight,most of which are now archaic. In Japanese @ is sometimes called the Naruto for Naruto Whirlpools. There are other places that use the same names listed above but in order to keep this post @ a readable size I didn't list duplicate meanings.

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