Since Superbowl 50 is tomorrow and it is second to Thanksgiving for over eating/drinking I thought it would be a public service to trot out an old icon that might help the situation. Speedy Alka-Seltzer was introduced in 1951 in women's magazines and was originally called Sparky. He started his TV career in 1953 and went on to star in 212 commercials singing the "Plop,plop,fizz,fizz" jingle but despite his popularity and success he was retired in 1964. He has made a few appearances since his retirement like the Bicentennial,1980 Winter Olympics and a couple of cameos until the company decided retro icons were trusted and popular with the younger consumers and well known to the older audience,so in 2008 Speedy reappeared on the back cover of Playboy magazine and has his own online game in a "Where's Waldo" type format.

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