Normally I avoid all things political on this blog as it is done to death everywhere else but today is an exception. Earlier today at the gym while I was high on endorphins I glanced at the TV and "The Donald" was gracing the screen,under his picture was the word "Headlines" which I misread as "Hairlines". From there my brain took the reins pointing out that out of 44 presidents very few have been bald,and depending on if a person describes bald as no hair,very little hair or receding hairline making only a minor difference in the total count. Historically Americans choose leaders with doubt some of you are wondering where this is going regarding Trump,even though he claims his hair is "real" and has even went so far as to have people touch "it" ask yourself this,"If he had hair why would he wear it in that ridiculous style? I did a little research and found some experts claiming he underwent a procedure called the flap because he was balding,so in conclusion stand by American tradition if for no other reason Trump's hair is just too weird. (For those of you who may be wondering,Bernie's hair is just fine!)

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