February 14th is mainly associated with Valentines Day but since everyone knows about that I decided it would be appropriate to include a few other historic events that also happened on this date. In 1779 Captain James Cook was killed by Hawaiians after taking their king hostage. Oregon became the 33rd state in 1859 on this date and Arizona followed suit becoming the 48th state more than half a century later (1912). The following year Jimmy Hoffa was born, he became Teamsters Union president after working his was up the ranks and disappeared in 1975 (he is actually buried in my basement,it was part of my initiation into the union,but don't tell anyone!). Dresden,Germany was bombed in 1945 killing between 35,000 and 135,000. In 1962 a 32 year old Jacqueline Kennedy led a television audience on a tour of the recently refurbished White House.

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