People who were in school during the 1960s were fed an alarming amount of inaccurate history,which makes a person wonder what other erroneous facts we were presented. Take Columbus for instance he was presented as the explorer that found the Americas when in reality he never actually set foot on the mainland,he only got as far as the Bahamas,yet he has a federal holiday named for him while the likely discoverer,Leif Eriksson receives little fanfare on his dedicated day (10/9). Other misinformation regarding Columbus was the names of his ships. We were told they were the Pinta,the Nina,and the Santa Maria. Out of those three names only the Santa Maria is accurate the Pinta was a nickname in Spanish meaning "the painted one,or prostitute",Nina was also a nickname to honor the owner Juan Nino,Nina's official name was Santa Clara,the official name of the Pinta is unknown. Are these same inaccurate facts still being presented in schools today?

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